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The Regathering Committee is thrilled to announce that we will return to 10364 McDonald Park Road on Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 10:30 am for an outdoor service.  For the summer months we will meet outdoors (weather permitting) on our property for Worship and the Word.  In the event of inclement weather (rain or excessively high winds) we will move the gathering inside the building.

As we come back together, things will look different from before.  Our ‘COVID Re-Entry Plan’ is included in this email and is posted on all doors as per the BC CDC and Public Health Inspector requirements for gatherings of 50 people or less.

Here is what you can expect as we gather together:

Pre-registering for Services - You must pre-register yourself and whoever is coming with you to reserve your seat/space for either an outdoor or indoor service. We encourage you to be on time to the service, otherwise you risk your seat /space being given away. We understand this is not an ideal way of doing church but it is necessary in order to keep the gathering under 50 people. Click HERE to go to the pre-registration form. The links will also be available on our website and in the weekly communique from the office.  If you have questions regarding registration, please contact the church office on Tuesday mornings from 8 am to noon.

Bathroom - At this time only the handicap bathroom in the main lobby will be open for use. Volunteer(s) will be present to sanitize the bathroom after each use.

Sanitization - Before and after each service the building is cleaned and surfaces that are frequently touched (doors, railings, counters and bathrooms) are disinfected. When you enter the building, we encourage you to use the hand sanitizer available in the lobby.

Chair Setup - for indoor services our seating configuration in the auditorium has been adjusted to allow for appropriate social distancing. Families are encouraged to sit with each other and maintain a distance of six feet between families and other individuals.  For our outdoor services, please bring your own lawn chairs and umbrellas or hats depending on the weather.  Please maintain a social distance of 6 ft between families etc.

No Coffee Time - We will not be serving coffee after any indoor services for now.  You may bring your own beverages in closed containers to any of the outdoor services.  Please take them home after service as any containers left on site will be thrown out that day.

No Kid’s Ministry - There will be no HCF KIDS Ministry programs for July & August 2020. You are welcome to bring your children to either indoor or outdoor services keeping them seated with you to maintain social distancing. If you aren’t comfortable bringing your children to a service, we encourage you to continue to gather at home with your family.

Online Church - For the time being, we will be offering online services through Facebook live. You can visit our website ( or contact the church office at for information on how to connect.

Giving – please continue using any of the online options such as e- transfer or Canada Helps. Instruction on how to give online can be found on the ‘GIVE’ page of our website. The debit machine in the office will continue to be available on Tues. mornings.  A collection box will be available at the service(s).  Please bring your own envelopes. If you would like giving envelopes with your name on them please contact the office.

Other Safety Precautions: Please be aware of the signage around the building and minimize physical contact with others not in your family. If you are at-risk or are showing symptoms of illness we strongly encourage you to stay home. We are still providing online content so that you can experience church from your home. If you wish to wear a mask, you are welcome to bring your own. We hope that you will partner with us in creating a safe and healthy environment!

Again here is the LINK to pre-register.