Join over 1 million believers who will engage in prayer for Israel for at least one hour a day for 21 days (May 7-28) for the increase of God’s salvation promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel. Some will pray alone and others will pray with 2 or more (Mt. 18:20)—virtually or in-person—in their home, office, dorm, or at their church, etc.
Prayer is God’s design to bring about His will in the earth. Through prayer, He has given us the awesome privilege of partnering with Him. In changing times and circumstances, these are Scripture-based prayers that can be prayed at any time, regardless of what is happening in Israel. Our hope is that you will return to this prayer guide time and time again. We encourage you to look up and study the Scripture references, put the prayer requests into your own words, mark those that are most meaningful to you as you intercede, and add your own prayers as well. May the LORD mightily use you and your prayers to accomplish His will on earth!
Click HERE to go to the Isaiah 62 Fast website for more information.
Download the prayer guide below.