Many men have an unhealthy view of themselves. They don’t see themselves as God sees them. Once you can see yourself as God sees you, as his masterpiece, uniquely created in His image, it will change your life forever. This workshop is designed to help you reframe your identity in Christ.
Learn the 2 important functions of a Christian man
Understand your real identity
Learn how to move towards a healthy identity
4 benefits of being God’s son
Our speaker is Dan Maynard of Impactus Canada.
There will be a light breakfast of coffee and muffins in the morning and lunch will be provided for a cost of $20. We also have a number of exciting door prizes that will be given away.
This will be an amazing opportunity for men from the south island to gather, build new connections, grow closer to God, and to initiate small men's groups throughout the area.
All men welcome to attend. Invite your friends and family. We look forward to gathering together.